A Model of Math Infusion in Middle School STEM Curriculum
Authors: David Burghardt, Deborah Hecht, Bert Flugman, Michael Hacker

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By participating in the A/B workshop model we believed that middle school mathematics, science and technology teachers would recognize and value the infusion of mathematics into science and technology; they would be able to develop, implement, and revise math infused science and technology lessons; and they would express an interest in using the lessons in their classes.  We expected these "STEM learning communities" would be valued by teachers and that there would be evidence of enhanced communication among math, science and technology teachers.  Further, in the proof of concept study it was hypothesized that it would be feasible to teach math infused lessons when they were of adequate duration and intensity (at least 20 days), students would demonstrate increased understanding of the mathematics content taught, and students would have increased positive affect about mathematics.